Music Relaxation Workshop

Dear students,

Welcome Office is organising a music relaxation workshop on 16th February, 10-12 AM, where you can discover the possible applications of music as a tool for reaching mental and physical well-being. The workshop combines theory with practical exercises to guide you towards relaxation and balance. You will learn how music can be used to reduce levels of stress and to promote deep sense of peace. The workshop is taking place at American Center Olomouc (třída Svobody 8, first floor). The capacity is 20 persons.

You can register using the QR code or via the following website:

CPSSP team

Video v českém znakovém jazyce


Centrum podpory studentů se specifickými potřebami

Mgr. Lucie Flekačová, Ph.D.
pověřena vedením CPSSP

+420 585 635 312

Kde nás najdete

Pedagogická fakulta
Žižkovo nám. 5
771 40 Olomouc

Fakulta tělesné kultury UP
Tř. Míru 117
771 11 Olomouc


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